My projects

Sharetribe - improvements for marketplace

Some improvements for marketplace Sharetribe 1. Added JS gallery for products, with images full screen magnification 2. Added the integration with PayPal (the credentials for the test are sent on request) 3. DelayedJob is replaced with ActiveJob using Sidekiq 4. It is configured to use Nginx as the frontend and statics server, and Puma as the backend application server 5. To store the images using Amazon S3


  • PayPal intergration
  • Background Jobs with ActiveJob and Sidekiq
  • File Upload with Paperclip on Amazon S3
  • React on Rails


Ruby on Rails 4.2.7 MySQL Redis Shpinx Puma Sidekiq


React jQuery CoffeeScript SCSS Haml Erb JavaScript with Babel ES6


rails 4.2.7 will_paginate paperclip delayed_paperclip aws-sdk mysql2 paypal-sdk-permissions paypal-sdk-merchant redis thinking-sphinx puma capistrano devise oauth2 omniauth-facebook rails-i18n mercury-rails react_on_rails sidekiq haml sass faraday zeus rspec-rails factory_girl_rails rubocop capybara cucumber-rails selenium-webdriver

QnA - simple Stack Overflow

Demo project on Ruby on Rails. This app based on main idea of stackowerflow: people can ask questions and create answers for them, created for lerning how some gems and technologies works.


  • Test-Driven Development (more than 400 Rspec tests examples written before code)
  • Websockets (new records appears on page without reload for all users through private pub)
  • Ajax (actions mostly works without reload)
  • RestAPI
  • Omniauth: twitter, facebook
  • Background Jobs
  • File Upload


Ruby on Rails 4.2.8 PostgreSQL Redis Shpinx Puma Sidekiq


Bootstrap jQuery CoffeeScript Push technology (Pub/Sub) SCSS Slim


rails 4.2.8 turbolinks coocon will_paginate carrierwave remotipart pg redis-rails thinking-sphinx puma thin unicorn passenger private_pub devise omniauth-facebook omniauth-twitter cancancan active_model_serializers doorkeeper oj_mimic_json sidekiq whenever responders capistrano factory_girl_rails rspec-rails rubocop capybara shoulda-matchers

GoogleTasks - React SPA with MaterialUI

Demo project on React with Redux uses Google API for authentication and Google Task API for creating tasks.


  • SinglePage Application
  • Google API
  • Redux


Google API NodeJS Webpack


React JavaScript with Babel ES6 Less MaterialUI


react 15.4.2 less material-ui moment react-redux react-router react-router-redux redux redux-thunk babel-preset-es2015 eslint redux-devtools webpack webpack-dev-server

Notes - React SPA with MongoDB

Demo project on React with Redux uses Mongo DB and NodeJS Express server.


  • SinglePage Application
  • Redux


NodeJS Express server Mongo Webpack


React JavaScript with Babel ES6 Less jQuery Masonry component


react 15.4.2 axios cors express jquery less mongoose react-masonry-component react-redux react-router react-router-redux redux redux-thunk babel-preset-es2015 eslint redux-devtools webpack webpack-dev-server